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Fluticasone and COVID-19

COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 was declared a pandemic by the world health organisation in 2020. It has rocked the whole world, resulting in a staggering number of deaths. There are endless clinical trials to...

Asthma Inhalers

What are the early signs of diabetes?

The start of all diseases is pretty much the same; when certain cells and organs within the body fail to do their job effectively, it can cause all sorts of complications that prevent it from running ...

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

What is the 500 rule in diabetes?

Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders where malfunctioning insulin metabolism causes high blood sugar levels that, if left untreated, can do serious long-term damage. Within this group, there are...

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Fluticasone side effects

The smallest of things can set off an allergy; be it tiny particles of pollen, dust, pet hair or mold. Although these allergens are barely visible to the naked eye, they most definitely make thei...

Asthma Inhalers

Is high cholesterol dangerous?

Cholesterol is an essential substance for humans and all animals, as it builds and repairs cell membranes and also plays a role in vitamin D production, cell communication and other biochemical proces...

High Cholesterol

What is the best time of day to take Metformin?

So, you’ve been prescribed Metformin by your doctor to help keep your type 2 diabetes or polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS) in check,  However, when it comes to hashing out the particulars ...

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

What are the 3 most common symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes?

Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder where chronically high blood sugar levels can cause serious complications if they aren’t controlled. In 90% of cases, the culprit is type 2 diabetes, whic...

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

What should I eat while taking Metformin?

From being prescribed medications whose names you struggle to pronounce, to giving up the freedom to eat as you please, being diagnosed with diabetes means making changes to your lifestyle, all in the...

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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