
Can rosacea be cured?

Is there a way I can stop my face from getting red and spotty


Rosacea is a long-term condition, which usually presents with facial redness (blushing) and acne-like spots which may or may not contain pus.  It is most common in middle-aged, fair-skin women. However, when rosacea presents in men, symptoms are usually worse.  Currently, no cure has been found for rosacea, but there are multiple treatment options available to keep the symptoms under control.

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There is no cure for rosacea out there but there are multiple treatments that can help control the symptoms. Rosacea can get worse if left untreated. Your MD may suggest or prescribe one of the following:

  • Topical creams or gels
    • Brimonidine or oxymetazoline are be applied to affected skin. These medications will reduce redness by causing the blood vessels to constrict. The effect is temporary  however, so medication needs to be applied regularly. 
    • Other medications such as azelaic acid, metronidazole, and ivermectin can help control the pimples on your face, but do not help as much with reducing redness. These medications can take 2 - 6 weeks or longer for noticeable improvement. 
  • Antibiotics
    • Doxycycline may be prescribed by your doctor to help combat moderate to severe rosacea presenting with bumps and pimples.
  • Isotretinoin: 
    • For severe rosacea, resistant to other forms of treatment, your doctor may prescribe a powerful acne drug called isotretinoin. It also helps clear up the acne-like lesions of rosacea. It cannot be used duriong pregnancy as it can result in birth defects. 
  • IPL (intense pulsed light) treatment:
    • This shrinks the visible blood vessels and treats both redness and pimples without causing damage to the skin.

Your doctor may refer you to a dermatologist if treatments fail to work. 


Home remedies

There are practices you can adopt at home to help control symptoms and prevent a flare-up. These include: 

  • Avoiding triggers: Identifying what triggers your rosacea can help you avoid a flare. Pay attention to anything you believe is linked to a flare-up and you will know to avoid it in the future. 
    • Potential triggers are: 
      • Alcohol
      • Caffeine 
      • Spicy foods
      • Cheese
      • Hot drinks 
      • Aerobic exercise such as running
  • Protection: It is important to apply suncreen on your face daily. Suncreens which block both UV A and B rays should be used (broad spectrum suncreen). It should be at least SPF 30 or higher. If using topical medication, apply suncreen after the medication and before any makeup. During hot weather, you can also wear a hat to protect your face and during winter a scarf or ski mask. 
  • Be gentle: Avoid being rough on your skin. Try not to rub or touch your face. When washing your face, use a nonsoap cleanser and moisturizer. Do not use products containing alcohol. 
  • Makeup: Makeup is a good way to cover up redness. There are some makeup products and techniques that can reduce skin redness. Powder cosmetics with a green tone and matt finish are the best type of makeup to apply.

It is important to keep rosacea symptoms under control, as it can progress from mild to severe.

Long-term conditions affecting your appearance such as rosacea can have adverse psychological effects.  Many rosacea sufferers report feeling embarrassed, frustrated, and having low self-esteem.  It might seem like all hope is lost as there is no cure.  However, it is important to note that rosacea is controllable. Try available treatment options and avoid any triggers which may lead to flare-ups. As your physical symptoms improve, your psychological symptoms may fade as well, and you’ll start feeling better about yourself. Know that you’re not alone and there are many others suffering from this common condition.  Support groups and blogs abound on the internet for additional help.



  1. (2019). Rosacea - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2020].
  2. WebMD. (n.d.). Understanding Rosacea -- Diagnosis and Treatment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2020].

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