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How to quit smoking cold turkey

Quitting cigarette smoking can be difficult no matter how you do it, but the idea of quitting cold turkey can seem especially daunting. This isn’t the easiest, or the most effective method of...

Quit Smoking

Can you buy Acyclovir over the counter?

Acyclovir is an antiviral medication for the treatment and suppression of infections caused by the herpes virus. It can be applied topically or can be taken orally in the form of tablets or a liquid s...

Cold Sores

How long does it take for Acyclovir to work?

Acyclovir (aciclovir) is an antiviral drug used to treat infections caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It is used for both herpes type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes type 2 (HSV-2) infections.   ...

Cold Sores

Acyclovir and alcohol

Many prescription medications can cause side effects and potetntially interact with other medication, over-the-counter drugs or substances. Drinking alcohol while taking certain drugs can&nb...

Cold Sores

Canker sore vs cold sore

It’s easy to mistake canker sores for cold sores. They’re both located in or around the mouth and they can look like small white blisters. But they have very different causes. Understandin...

Cold Sores

When is a cold sore healed enough to kiss?

Cold sores can be annoying. At times it may feel unfair and like you’re the only person suffering from this natural smooch deterrent, but rest assured, the white blisters surrounding your lips a...

Cold Sores

How to get rid of cold sores

Cold sores are small blisters that typically develop around the lips or mouth. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1). Half of the world’s population (around 3.7 billion peop...

Cold Sores

Home remedies for migraines

Some 20 percent of the global adult population regularly suffer from migraines either for part of their lives or as a life-long condition. The rate of occurrence likewise varies from once every other ...

Migraine Relief

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